Intra-day trading the Forex market is a tough business. The majority of intra-day traders lose money, and the reason for that is because of poor trading timing.
Most of the traders think that following a successful system is enough to make money in Forex, but that's far from truth: you must have a successful system and you must trade it at the right market timing!
The key-words here are volatility and momentum... If you have the momentum on your side you can successfully trade Forex in just two hours per day!

"Volatility" is often regarded as a negative word in the Forex lingo. Let's face it: most people fear volatility. They think volatility equals to unnecessary risk, even gambling!
But let me actually turn that around: there's is nothing more dangerous for an intra-day trader than a flat market lacking any momentum whatsoever! And here is why: the longer a trade crawls around without taking off in your direction, the greater the chances that such trade will fizzle away mid-way through! You want to have a high momentum wave backing up your trade to push it forward towards your final target!
That's why timing your entries properly is crucial for short-term traders...

Volatility, momentum and market punch is a good thing for an intra-day trader. Let me repeat that because it's indeed important: momentum is a good thing!
And if momentum is what you are after, there is one particular time of the day you want to consider trading...

If you're anything like me, you like concise answers - that's what you're here for. Let me give you those answers without any further rambling:

What to trade:
Slow-moving currency pairs are the bane of intra-day traders. We want market action, we want fast-accelerating currencies and above all we want currencies that deliver the punch!
And if there's one volatile currency in the Forex world that's the Sterling Pound. Indeed, all of its crosses (GBP/USD, GBP/JPY, GBP/CHF, etc) can easily swing for over 200 pips any day of the week.
That's why the London Forex Rush system trades only and exclusively the Sterling Pound currency pairs.

When to trade:
It is a proven fact that most currencies, especially the Sterling Pound crosses, pour in their largest daily moves within the first two hours of the London market.
That's when the Forex market scores its highest trading volume levels...
and that's when you want to grab your piece of the cake!

The powerful London Forex Rush system captures with razor-sharp accuracy those explosive early morning moves!
But the best part of the deal is that there is no need to stare at the charts all day long. The London Forex Rush system only trades the first two hours of the London session...
Two hours a day is all you need to intra-day trade this system successfully!

We all know that emotions are the enemy when it comes to trading, especially as we try to find our way through fear and greed: guesstimation, over-leverage, second-thinking, growing doubts and over-trading are the fastest road to blow your trading account!
We are humans, not robots, so there's not much we can do about it...
Or is there?
Fortunately, automated systems and custom indicators help us removing all those devastating emotions out of the equation - and that's exactly what I have done myself with the London Forex Rush custom indicator!
Every morning, right as the London market opens, my custom indicator signals for me all the possible trading opportunities in the market:
The direction of the trade (buy or sell)
The entry level
The stop loss & target levels
The amount of lots to enter the trade with under rock-solid money management principles
The current market trend

No more fear and greed in your trading because the indicator will call the entries and exits for you! That means you just need to follow the indicator signals and shrug off the trading stress.

The indicator also has a rock-solid money management formula built in which will keep you from risking too much of your account into any given trade. No more blowing your account!

Why guesstimate the market direction if this custom indicator tells you accurately whether you want to be searching for long or short trading opportunities? Guessing the next move is over!

Over-trading is one of the top problematic issue for new traders! The custom indicator will only call a trade when all the appropriate market conditions fall in line, so it picks only the very best trading opportunities for you!

There's no impatience with the London Forex Rush system because it only triggers trades at one particular time of the day: the London market open. No need to wait all day long for your trades to show up!
Absolutely everything has been taken into consideration and presented in a very intuitive and user-friendly manner. Within seconds the indicator will tell you where to search for trades and where to place your entry & exit points right to the pip!
But there's no better way to show you how the London Forex Rush system and the custom indicator works than actually showing you a trade recorded live!
You are about to witness how powerful (and easy-to-use) this system really is!

The London Forex Rush system has been created for a very particular type of trader and you might want to read on to check whether this system is suited for you:

The London Forex Rush system has been designed exclusively for intra-day traders who like enjoy trading the heat and action of the markets as they unfold in real time.
I mean, there's nothing wrong with long-term trading as an investment tool to diversify your portfolio, but if trading for a living is what you're after, then you must become an intra-day trader because that's where the real money is!

The beauty of the London Forex Rush system is that it only requires two hours a day, sometimes even less, to generate wonderful results. That means you can have a full-time job and spend time with your family while being able to generate outstanding profits trading Forex!

You know what? me too!
That's why I developed my own custom indicator so all the trading signals are crystal clear.
The indicator does all the monkey-work for me and all I have to do is to punch in the trade orders into my broker. No more confusing systems generating a fistful of contradictory signals. Simplicity is good and automation is even better!

There's one reason the London Forex Rush system trades exclusively the first two hours of the London session: momentum and volatility.
It's the fastest-moving time span around the clock. That means that your trades will be carried on by a momentum swing towards your profit targets!

There's one reason the London Forex Rush system trades exclusively the first two hours of the London session: momentum and volatility.
It's the fastest-moving time span around the clock. That means that your trades will be carried on by a momentum swing towards your profit targets!

I am glad you do because the truth is that it's NOT important... It's CRUCIAL!
It is widely accepted that strict money management rules is what sets successful traders apart from the rest.
The London Forex Rush system has a very powerful money management system built in so you trade with a statistic edge, making long-term success a reality!

I am going to cut it to the chase here: there's only one way to make money in Forex, and that's to specialize yourself in one particular type of trading. Indeed, the thinner your spread your attention the less chances that you will master any particular trading strategy.
That's why the London Forex Rush system is 100% percent specialized in momentum moves at one particular time of the day (the London open) and in one particular currency (the Sterling Pound). Let me say that again: total trading specialization is the only way to go!

Absolutely nothing is hidden from you!
I reveal absolutely everything you need to know to trade the London Forex Rush system profitably and become a successful Intra-Day Forex trader.
There are a number of "gurus" out there who do not want you to know the actual reasons as of why the market moves the way it does.
Well, that's over because there's no secret kept in the London Forex Rush manual guide!
Here's the table of contents...

The Elements of The System
All the elements of the system exposed in detail and with plenty of screenshots for easy and painless learning!
What time frame is it designed for
Valid price formations - finding opportunities!
How and when to enter the trades
How to gauge explosive market moves!
Trading the trend - avoiding flat markets
Conservative vs. aggressive stop losses
Conservative vs. aggressive targets
Getting the money management right
Risk vs. Reward - gaining a statistical edge!

The Origins of The System
The London Forex Rush system actually comes straight from the stock markets!
It's been used for years by NASDAQ Intraday traders and now I bring the very same core principles to the Forex market. Guess what? it works just fine in Forex too!
I will lay the origins of this wonderful system and the reasons as of why it's perfectly suited for the Forex market.

The Custom Indicators
You will be able to download my two custom indicators for the MetaTrader 4 platform:
The London Forex Rush indicator
The Market Trend indicator
Nowhere else can you find these awesome indicators as they are exclusively for London Forex Rush system traders.
I will show you how to install them, how to configure them and how to read them so you squeeze all the juice from them and start making pips from the first day with no learning curve at all!

Automating Your Trading
I will teach you in detail how to exploit and leverage the London Forex Rush indicator and how to use it in order to scout for profitable trading opportunities right at the London market volume kicks in the market.
The indicator will call in advance the trading signals for you and I will show you exactly how to be ready in order to take those signals before the train chugs away! Hey, at the end of the day, remember we're trading at the most volatile moment of the day so you gotta be ready to ride those accelerating swings!
You will get the tools and I will show you how to use them. It's a one-in-a-lifetime opportunity!
Ok... you heard the offer, you only have a few things left to do.
Right now go ahead and secure this offer by clicking the button below.
This price point will only be this low for a limited time before the price of this powerful breakout indicator goes up for good!
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